How Far An Introvert Can Go For Dating

Anjum Baba
4 min readSep 20, 2021

Being an introvert, dating is my biggest challenge.

If you are an introvert and struggle with dating problems then this is the perfect spot for you.

Feeling awkward at a party. Fumbling for words while talking to someone for the first time. Unable to indulge in small talks. These and many more challenges always hinder my social presence.

The family get-togethers, office meetups, friend reunions are a typical nightmare. I am the perfect example of a socially challenged individual.

Never ever have I hit on someone at a pub. My contacts are mostly professional or strictly work-related. Casual chitchat with neighbors is not my scene. Dating apps do not exist for me.

Quite coincidentally, for an introvert like me, blind date, double date, or shady sleazy dating apps are a big NO NO.

All of us know the man is a social animal. Nobody can stay alone or live alone all their life. I too want a love story. Desire to date someone who will give me goosebumps and butterflies in my tummy is not alien to me. There should be someone to have my back. Someone to kiss, cuddle, love and embrace.

More than physical proximity, I want someone with whom I can talk to. Last year, when I was confined to my home for months. I learned the importance of mental and emotional bonding.

At that time, I felt like interacting with people online.

However, a question nagged me constantly.

How Much An Introvert Can Depend Upon Dating Apps?

In order to hook up with someone compatible, I started with dating apps and chat sites. Boy o boy, the Internet is a cesspool of sexual predators. Although I badly needed someone to talk to, unfortunately, most of the people I bumped into came online for entirely different reasons. Or all the wrong reasons so to say.

Calling everyone a virtual leech might be wrong. Some of the people I met were outstandingly amazing. Fun to talk to. Cool to hang out with. But the spark that was present during the first chat or the first few chats waned off after some time.

Hence, for a few months, some amazing people walked in and out of my virtual world.

Introvert Dating Introvert

Is it just me or are all introverts extremely active on social media platforms? There are so many virtual groups dedicated to the like of me. I love the way introvert people from different regions and religions unanimously talk about one subject — dating.

Many at times, I find people trying to strike a conversation with me.

There are times when I like what someone else says and I react with a cute emoticon.

My biggest challenge is not to come off as rude while replying to someone. Many people find my monosyllable replies, and replies using emojis rude.

Here is a piece of advice to all the extroverts and ambiverts out there,

Introverts are not arrogant or rude. We are just a little shy and take time to open up. At times, we never open up. Whatever it is, we are not rude or recluses.

Introvert Dating Extrovert

At times, two introverts can form a perfect couple. Whereas to maintain balance, an introvert can try dating someone from the opposite direction.

In my case, dating an extrovert was the worst choice. All the adventure, exuberance, craziness, and night-outs did not go well with me. I am sure, your experience won’t be the same. Think hard before you jump the gun.

How To React?

Different people react differently to the same stuff. Make your choices well. But keep in mind your individuality and happiness comes before your choice. You before everything else.

After trying all kinds of apps, social media groups, virtual shenanigans, I came to the conclusion, I need to try something else. A road less taken. This less trodden path showed me how to help the likes of me come out of the cocoon.

Be it the real world or the virtual space, communication is key. Begin a conversation without thinking about the future. If you are one of those who still believe in”love at first sight” or feel “First Date” decides everything. Think again.

We live in a physical world. Being practical is extremely important.

My suggestion is to

  • Talk
  • Interact
  • Communicate

Break the ice. You will feel less awkward



Anjum Baba

An avid reader and tireless writer. I find solace in the place where I unleash my creative self in its entirety