Is “Unbiased Reporting” a Thing of the Past?

Anjum Baba
4 min readJun 11, 2022
unbiased reporting

In the world of fake news and propaganda politics, unbiased reporting seems like a Utopian Dream

Look around your nation and sneak into world news, what do you see? Fascism is on the rise! Be it highly advanced, extremely democratic, overprivileged first-world countries, or the underdeveloped, poverty stricken, nearing inflation third-world nations — both have one thing in common now — FASCISM.

The whole world is a mirror image of George Orwell’s Animal Farm. The protestors are slandered, tortured, and in some cases killed. The rulers are totally driven by the interest of their insatiable hunger for power.

It is evident to the thinkers, reformers, and intellectuals that the media has lost its spine. It is feeding big fat lies to its audience and in return stuffing its already burgeoning pockets with big fat amounts. Biased reporting is an integral part of the media industry now.

People don’t trust the leading media channels anymore.

They know for sure that it is devoid of unbiased reporting.

People in India and the U.S saw a new face of biased information by the media personnel reporting post-2014/15. What Modi is to the Indians, Trump was that to the Americans. Conversely, what Trudeau is to Canada, Imran Khan was the same face to the Pakistanis. India and Pakistan are third-world countries whereas the U.S and Canada are first-world. Modi and Trump are overtly right-wing and extremely aggressive. Trudeau and Imran are more tactful and smooth operators.

However, at the end of the day, nobody is bothered about the welfare of the public. Nobody is bothered about applying a holistic approach to

  1. Rehabilitate the poor and homeless
  2. Easy accessibility of knowledge and information to all
  3. Desecration of racism, casteism, and gender inequality
  4. Protection of Human Rights
  5. Peace without war

The last one may never happen because the world economy runs on arms. To restore peace in small countries, the big nations take it upon themselves to wage a war there.

Some oxymoron activities of the power driven warmongers:

  • Remove the fascist regime with a fascist move.
  • Fight terror with terror.
  • To restore peace, wage war.
  • Increase the economy by spending exorbitant amounts on fund-saving strategies.
  • Oppress the already oppressed.

The U.S is pro in establishing peace through war and its media leaves no stones unturned to glorify war and its warring soldiers.

The New York Times Expose

Walter Lippmann and Charles Merz, in 1920, first revealed some hard-to-believe truths about The New York Times’ reporting of the Russian Revolution. These unbiased American journalists concluded that the media reporting on the given event was rarely based on fact. The reporters of this new organization (The New York Times) were riding blindly on high hopes. They lacked factual accuracy, a balanced outlook, and unbiased reporting which is the very basic foundation of delivering an informed report.

Look around the world and you will see, that before the pandemic, the people all over the globe had taken to the roads over the issues like democracy, freedom of speech, human rights abuse, climate change, and corruption. All these movements were an outcome of the public’s general opinion about the things that they read or see provided by the media. It is incumbent upon the journalists, especially political journalists to ensure that they get things right.

Does it mean the entire media is a big bunch of rotten apples?

Absolutely not!!!

Not all have lost their spine to the biggest bidder. There are still some honest reporters who believe in providing balanced, factual, and unbiased information.

A real journalist is not someone who relies on the information provided by the ground reporters. They don’t just deliver any and everything provided to them blindly. It is mandatory to check, re-check and cross-check the information they have received.

The way it is mandatory to cross-examine any and every news you bump into. It is the best way to avoid falling prey to Fake News. Similarly, for a journalist, it is of great importance to provide their audience with factual, balanced, and unbiased reporting. This is the only way to restore the faith in the present media channels that have gone astray due to greed for

  1. Money
  2. Fame
  3. Power

Being ambitious is not bad. In fact, we have been taught to be ambitious. Achieve our goals. Stay focused on our aim. Still, isn’t it necessary to ask yourself what is the price you are willing to pay for your ambition? Before you sell your soul to the devil, think again about an eternity of hell. You may or may not believe in God, but conscience is something none can ignore.



Anjum Baba

An avid reader and tireless writer. I find solace in the place where I unleash my creative self in its entirety